Grouped Column Chart Tutorial

Grouped Column Chart Tutorial

Learn how to create a Grouped Column Chart using Flourish.

Dataset Used

We are using the Food Delivery Time Prediction dataset, which contains order time, distance, and delivery duration.

Step 1: Import the Dataset

Download the dataset from

Dataset Preview

Step 2: Open Flourish & Upload Data

  • Go to Flourish.
  • Click “New visualization” → Choose Column Chart

Flourish Interface

Step 3: Configure Axes & Groups

  • X-axisTime of Day
  • Y-axisTime & Distance
  • Group byDelivery Type

Settings Panel

Step 4: Customize the Chart

  • Adjust colors, labels, and grid lines for better readability.

Styled Chart

Step 5: Publish & Share

  • Click “Export & Publish”.
  • Embed the chart on your website.

Final Chart

Why Use a Grouped Column Chart?

  • Compares multiple variables like time and distance in deliveries.
  • Helps analyze patterns by time of day for delivery efficiency.